Valid VAT Formats
Austria: AT + U + 8 digits, e.g. ATU12345678
Belgium: BE + 10 digits, the first digit following the prefix is always zero, e.g. BE0123456789
Bulgaria: BG + 9–10 digits, e.g. BG123456789
Croatia: HR + 11 digit number, e.g. HR12345678901
Cyprus: CY + 9 characters, e.g. CY12345678L
Czech Republic: CZ + 8-10 digits, e.g CZ12345678
Denmark: DK + 8 digits, e.g. DK12345678
Estonia: EE + 9 digits, e.g. EE123456789
Finland: FI + 8 digits, e.g. FI12345678
France: FR + 2 digits (validation) + 9 digits (SIREN), e.g. FRXX123456789
Germany: DE + 9 digits, e.g. DE123456789
Greece: EL + 9 digits, eg EL123456789
Hungary: HU + 8 digits, e.g. HU12345678
Ireland: IE + 7 digits and one letter, optionally followed by a 'W' , or 7 digits and 2 letters, e.g. IE1234567T, IE1234567TW or IE1234567FA
Italy: IT + 11 digits, e.g. IT12345678123
Latvia: LV +11 digits, e.g. LV12345678901
Lithuania: LT + 9 or 12 digits, e.g. LT123456789012
Luxembourg: LU + 8 digits, e.g. LU12345678
Malta: MT + 8 digits, e.g. MT12345678
Netherlands: NL + 9 digits + B + 2 digits, e.g. NL123456789B01
Poland: PL + 10 digits, e.g. PL1234567890
Portugal: PT + 9 digits, e.g. PT123456789
Romania: RO + 2-10 digits, e.g. RO123456789
Slovakia: SK + 10 digits, e.g. SK1234567890
Slovenia: SI + 8 digits, e.g. SI12345678
Spain: ES + letter + 8 digits, ES + letter + 7 digits + letter or ES + 8 digits + letter, e.g. ES12345678R
Sweden: SE + 12 digits, e.g. SE123456789012
United Kingdom: GB + 9 - 12 digits, GB + GD + 3 digits or GB + HA + 3 digits, e.g. GB123456789
For more details, please visit Wikipedia